Contractor Guarantee: What it is and why you need it

11 Oct 2023

Insurance Backed Guarantees are designed to protect you and your customers in the unlikely event of your company ceasing to trade.

For independent contractors, providing your customers with a high-quality contractor guarantee should be an integral part of your business. In this blog, we’ll discuss what a contractor guarantee is and why it’s so important.

What is a contractor guarantee?

A contractor guarantee is another term for an Insurance Backed Guarantee. Insurance Backed Guarantees are a legal requirement for all UK independent contractors working in the construction and fenestration industries.

Insurance Backed Guarantees are designed to protect you and your customers in the unlikely event of your company ceasing to trade. They are available for a period of up to 10 years and backed by a UK authorised insurance company. Insurance Backed Guarantees help to improve consumer confidence because homeowners will know that they are protected should your business suffer financial difficulties.

Insurance Backed Guarantees can protect against:

  • Liquidation
  • Receivership
  • Administration
  • Bankruptcy
  • State retirement
  • Death

If, due to any of the circumstances listed above, your company no longer exists, an Insurance Backed Guarantee will protect the consumer. For example, if a consumer notices faults appearing with any works carried out at their home and the company has ceased to trade, they may be covered by the Insurance Backed Guarantee.

It is important to note that since June 2014, all UK tradespeople must offer an Insurance Backed Guarantee with any glazing installation they carry out. This means that finding the right guarantee to protect you and your customers, while enhancing your reputation, is more important than ever.

High-quality Insurance Backed Guarantees from The CPA

A couple researching Insurance backed guarantees

At The CPA, we provide a range of high-quality Insurance Backed Guarantees to glazing installers, construction companies, and builders. We have a wealth of industry experience and can create tailored insurance packages to suit your exact requirements.

We have a long ranging history of protecting the rights of both consumers and tradespeople, so choosing an Insurance Backed Guarantee from The CPA is an excellent decision. As a trader, with a CPA endorsed Insurance Backed Guarantee, you can give your customers extra peace of mind when it comes to installations and protect your business against any unforeseen circumstances.

Benefits of a CPA Insurance Backed Guarantee

There are many reasons to choose The CPA as your Insurance Backed Guarantee provider. Some of the most important benefits you’ll receive with CPA protection include:

1. Trusted legal protection

Contractor guarantees from The CPA provide you and your customers with peace of mind in case of an installation problem. In the unlikely event of something going wrong during, or after the installation, our Insurance Backed Guarantees provide both parties with the necessary legal protection. All our contractor guarantees are provided by a UK authorised insurer so that you can be certain that you’ll receive high-quality legal protection should anything unforeseen happen.

2. Contractor and consumer peace of mind

With a contractor guarantee from The CPA, you can relax in the knowledge that you’re complying with UK law. Our Insurance Backed Guarantees are created by legal experts and are designed to go above and beyond what’s required by law. This allows you to deliver the best service possible to your customers without having to worry about a legal dispute arising in the future. The peace of mind from an Insurance Backed Guarantee works in two ways. It provides peace of mind for contractors that their work is protected and also protects consumers against installation problems and trader insolvency.

3. Building contractor reputations

Working with The CPA can help to improve the reputation of your construction or fenestration business. We have a comprehensive and established reputation for our Insurance Backed Guarantees, which we have been providing for over a decade. Providing your customers with an IBG from a respected company like The CPA is a brilliant way to make your company more attractive to customers. In this era of online customer reviews and testimonials, it’s more important than ever for contractors to build their reputation. By offering your customers CPA Insurance Backed Guarantees you can do exactly that.

If you’d like to find out more about Insurance Backed Guarantees from The CPA, get in touch today. You can call us on 01462 850 064 to speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable team or send us a message online and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.